
2002 Christmas Greeting by AMCF President General Lee, Pil Sup

Newsletter No.1(September,1970)

 ★"Victory by God" NDA Cadet anonymity

 ★Lecture "Pearl Harbor Attack and thereafter" ex-Naval Captain Fuchio Mitsuda

Newsletter No.2(December,1970)

 ★Opinion "Who curse to father or mother 申命記27:16

 ★Respect-for-the-Aged Day  by Mr. Tomojiro Yamanaka (age:80)

 ★Joint retreat report (14-15 November, 1970)

 ★Tokyo International early morning prayer meeting

 ★National Defense Academy report

Newsletter No.3 (1971)

 ★Article How to deal with church crisis and JSDF believers NDA Mr. Kazuo Imamura

 ★Service persons appear in the Bible(at NDA morning gathering speech) NDA Mr. Kenji Imai

 ★International OCU Convention

Newsletter No.4(September, 1971)

 ★Article: Look for the world

 ★Participated in OCU International Convention Mr. Aiji Chiba

Newsletter No.5(December, 1971)

 ★Heaven True and Land True

 ★Joint Retreat report (13-14 November, 1971)

 ★Participated in 1971 Retreat by Mrs. Kazuko Yatabe

 ★Participated in O.C.U. friendship meeting by Mr. Hiroshi Takihara

 ★Rev. Nakakazu Toshioka passed away

 ★Stand on Strong Lord Soldier by Mr. Kohitsuji Hirayama (ex-Army Colonel)

 ★UCC Chaplain's world convention

Newsletter No.6

 * Loyalty

 ☆Testimony by Mr. Kenzo Okabe (NDA)

 ☆Peace of mind by Mr. Isamu Itoi (ex-Navy Captain)

 ☆Nowadays by Mr. Tomojiro Nakayama (ex-Navy Admiral)



  (1) Admire the third by Mr. Minoru Yatabe (Ground Staff Office)

 (2)Dear my husband by Mrs. Kazuko Yatabe

 (3)My house wife by Mr. Hiroshi Takihara (Wing HQ)

 (4)My house husband by Mrs. Mitsue Takihara

Newsletter No.7 (July, 1972)

 ☆Go away Satan "Matthew 4:1-11"

 ☆Bushido/Christian and JSDF (No.1) by Mr. Minoru Yatabe

  1. No touch no evil consequence

  2. Christian is a foreign false creed

 ☆Meeting at the NDA bible study

  (Concerning as JSDF Christians)

 ☆The Lives of Cornelius (1) by ex-Army Colonel Pastor Kyozo Iwai

Newsletter No.8(February, 1973)

 ★God's will "John 6:28-40"

Newsletter No.9 (July, 1973)

 ★召命 [ヨシュア記1章7、8、9節 Matthew 8:8-9]

 ☆Obedience to the Lord by Pastor Kiyoshi Inoue (Kodaira Church)

 ☆Bushido Christian and JSDF (No.3) by Mr. Minoru Yatabe

 ★The Lives of Cornelius (2) by ex-Navy Captain Shin Sasaki (Pastor, Kurihama Church AI Chiba's note)

Newsletter No.10 (December, 1973)

 ★ a little faith like a seed of   "Matthew 17:14-20"
 ★Bushido Christian and JSDF (No.4) by Mr. Minoru Yatabe
    6 Westerners system
 ★ Fellowship in God   Dr. Kenji Imai (NDA)

Newsletter No.11 (March, 1974)

 * Obey from above
 * Impression Mr. Tadahiro Oohashi (HQ/12Div.)
 * testimony  Mr. Tomojiro Yamanaka (Ex-Navy Admiral General)
 * Computer and Faith  Mr. Toshitada Matsuyama ( Camp Shimamatsu)
 * Report
  a. Brother Toshimitsu Tsunashima (Hyakuri Air Base)

  b. Brother Hiroshi Shimokuwaya (Central Hospital)

Newsletter No.12 (July,1974)

 *Grace and Law "2 Epical Chapter 8-10"

 *Christian Officer: the Ethical and Religious Leadership

   President of U.S.A. OCU Major General W.K. Harrison (translated by NDA Cadet Sienna Minamiguchi)

 * The Lives of Cornelius (.3)  "ex-Navy Captain Mr. Toshiro Miyoshi "
   by Doctor Takahashi Takeda (the Head of Kinugasa Hospital , General, JGSDF)

 ★Bushido Christian and JSDF (No.5) by Mr. Minoru Yatabe
  Mr. Minoru Yatabe HQ, the 10th Field Artillery
   7. War image by Japanese

Newsletter No.13 (November, 1974)

 ★Marriage "Matthew 18:4-6"

 ★”Know Your Bible”(No.1) written by Mr. William Graham Storogy
    (Translated by Pastor Keno Miyazaki (Oosawa Christian church

    Mr. Isamu Itoi (ex Navy Captain)

 ★North American report
    Mr. Toshikatsu Yamaguchi (JASDF Captain, Maxwell Air Force base)
 ★Anniversary for Servicemen's Mission

Newsletter No.14 (March, 1975)

 ★Welcomed Mr. Buckstone

 ★”Know Your Bible”(No.2) written by Mr. William Graham Storogy
    (Translated by Pastor Keno Miyazaki (Oosawa Christian church

 ★Fellowship with Mr. Buckstone 

 ★Thought after reading "Faith and Political issue" by Mr. Junichiro Adachi (ex-JMSDF Admiral)

 ★Branches report

Newsletter No.15 (July, 1975)

 ★Seven Churches

 ★”Know Your Bible”(No.3) written by Mr. William Graham Storogy
    (Translated by Pastor Keno Miyazaki (Oosawa Christian church

 ★Bushido Christian and JSDF (No.6) by Mr. Minoru Yatabe
  Mr. Minoru Yatabe (Ground Staff office, JGSDF)

 ★Joint fellowship (U.S. and Japan)

 ★Branch report

Newsletter No.16 (November, 1975)

 ★Holly and Love

 ★”Know Your Bible”(No.4) written by Mr. William Graham Storogy
    (Translated by Pastor Keno Miyazaki (Oosawa Christian church)

 ★Joint fellowship (U.S. and Japan)

 ★Mailed to Christian Newspaper about Cornelius Group
    by Mr. Minoru Yatabe (GSO)


 ★Members report

Newsletter No.17 (March, 1976)

 ★Light of the world "Matthew 5:14-16"

 ★”Know Your Bible”(No.5) written by Mr. William Graham Storogy
    (Translated by Pastor Keno Miyazaki (Oosawa Christian church)

 ★US & Japan Joint Fellowship meeting

 ★The Joint Fellowship Report
    (Captain, JGSDF, Finance Inspection Unit,Middle Army) Ikuji Komori

Newsletter No.18 (June, 1976)

 * American Christian
 * "Know your Bible"(No.6)
     written by William Graham Storogy
 * Outline of The 7th OCF (U) World Conference
     Mr. Minoru Yatabe (GSO)
 * President Remarks at OCU World Conference
     President Takayoshi Takeda (General Ret.
 * Impression about Masanetta OCI International Conference
     Mr. Aiji Chiba (Pastor, Kurihama Church, Nihon Christ Group)
 * Welcome to Fukuoka for Pastor & Mrs Aiji Chiba
     Mr. Yasutada (Military Mission Researcher/Prof. of Southwestern Women Collage)
 * Praise the Name of Lord
     Mr. Muko Ichikawa (Airborne)

Newsletter No.19 (Feb. 1977)

 * Bible Faith
 * "Know your Bible"(No.7)
    Written by William Graham Stology
 * Outline of the 1957 Cornelius Retreat
    Mr. Minoru Yatabe (GSO)
 * Mission Field (Preach at the retreat)
    Mr. Aiji Chiba (Pastor, Kurihama Church)
 * Testimony
  (1) Impression of Cornelius retreat
    Mr. Hiroshi Shimokuwaya (Central Hospital)
  (2) Impression of Cornelius retreat
    Mr. Fumiyoshi Yamada (The First Airborne)
  (3) Mysterious
    Ms. Masako Ando (Tachikawa Branch, JASDF Depot.)

Newsletter No.20 August 1977)

* Nature and Bible
* PCS (Testimony for membership of Itami Church)
  Mr. Minoru Yatabe (3D/HQ)
* Servicemen's Mission Research
  (Note by a military Christian)
    Prof. Yasutada Minezaki (Southwestern Women's Collage)
* US-JPN Joint Fellowship
* Welcome Party for Missionary Pape
* Farewell Party for Colonel Campbell

Newsletter No.21 (December, 1977)

* Evangelize
 [and the Lord accepted persons who received Jesus Christ]

Newsletter No.22 (April, 1978)

* Evangelize

* "Know Your Bible" (No.9)
  Writer: W. C. Scroggie Translator: Pastor Keno Miyazaki (Kanazawa Firadelfia, NDA 8th Graduated)

* US-Japan Joint Christmas Party

* Communications

Newsletter No.23 (August, 1978)

Newsletter No.24 (December, 1978)

Newsletter No.25 (April, 1979)

Newsletter No.26 (September, 1979)

Newsletter No.27 (January, 1980)

Newsletter No.28 (April, 1980)

Newsletter No.29 (September, 1980)

Newsletter No.30 (January, 1981)

Newsletter No.31 (April, 1981)

Newsletter No.32 (September, 1981)

Newsletter No.33 (January, 1982)

Newsletter No.34 (June, 1982)

Newsletter No.35 (October, 1982)

Newsletter No.36 (February, 1983)

Newsletter No.37 (June, 1983)

* True Bible? (Part 2)
* Good News by Pastor Keno Miyazaki (Kanazawa Filadelphia church, NDA #8 graduated)
* Report to church by Col. Minoru Yatabe ( Fuji Infantry school)
* AMCF #2 Asian Conference
* Cornelius meeting report

Newsletter No.38 (September, 1983)

* Though in Summer
* Back in War memory (Special report)
        Yun Kun Sup (ex-President of KOC, living in Japan)
* Introduction of our home (ref: Kohokudai church) by Mr. H. Takihara(JASDF)
* Criticism and counteragent for Cornelius group by Minoru Yatabe (Fuji school)
* Japanese classicism No. 1by Dr. Imai Kenji (ex-NDA)

* Welcome meeting for LTC Meeko

* AMCF international conference

Newsletter No.39 (December, 1983)

Newsletter No.40 (March, 1984)

* Lord of Lord , God of God
* members information
* Cornelius meeting report
* Cornelius group 25 years anniversary
* Japanese Classicism No. 2 by Dr.K. Imai (ex-NDA)
* Support request for AMCF International Conference

Newsletter No.41 (July, 1984)

* Japanese religion

* Let's have our meeting in each area by G. Takiguchi (JASDF WX Gp)

* Japanese classicism No.4 by Dr. Imai

* Contradiction in the bible and Defense?

* Cornelius Gp report

Newsletter No.42 (January, 1985)

The 3rd Asian AMCF Conference by Chairman of the Prep Committee
         Group Commander Col M. Yatabe

* '84 AMCF international conference

* 1984 AMCF International Conference report by ADM J. Adachi

* Memory in Korea by Mrs Noriko Adachi (ADM Adachi's wife)

* Korean OCU report No.1 and Korean military church by H. Shimokuwaya (C-Hospital) 

Newsletter No.43 (May, 1985)

* Gospel for Japan Talk :Contradiction in the Bible and Defense

* AMCF in Korea by Mr. Takeshi Takeda (Gen. Takeda's son

* Korean OCU No.2 Prayer Church by Hiroshi Shimokuwaya JSDF Central Hospital

* AMCF East Asia Prep Committee Plan and the request

Newsletter No.44 (June, 1985)

Hope for AMCF East Asia Conference

East Asia AMCF Prep. Committee

* Suggesting by Prof Imamura

* Christian commonsense

* Answer by God

* Location Plan

* Success plan for AMCF Asia

Newsletter No.55 (October, 1988)

 * Japanese and Chinese

 * Lost & Found goods for Japanese Christian (JSDF funeral judgment) Col. M. Nakano(Rescue Wing SQ)

 * The monthly meeting

 * Topics the theory of evolution?

Newsletter No.56 (February, 1991)

 * Funeral for Emperor

 * Cornelius story

   Walk by servicemen-ship (the King on the battle) Prof. Yasutada Minezaki

   1. Mr. Tanajiro Yamanaka (1889.Oct.10-1986.Feb.14)

   2. Mr. Aiji Chiba (1901.Aug.2-1986.Dec.13)

 * 1989 East Asia AMCF Conference

Newsletter No.57 (June, 1991)

 * Mysterious of Chinese Character

 * 1989 Retreat

 * Meeting report

Newsletter No.58 ( )

 * Save our country

 * National Defense Academy Bible study

 * Meeting report

Newsletter No.59 ( )

 * in Jesus Christ (Part 1)

 * 1989 AMCF East Asian Conference by LTC Matsuyama (Northeastern Depot/HQ)

 * Korean Christian by Mr. Akihiko Miyakoshi

 * Pastor Hiroshi Shimokuwaya report

Newsletter No.60 ( )

 * In Jesus Christ (Part 2)

 * 1989 AMCF East Asian Conference report (part 2) Mr. Matsuyama (NE Depot/HQ)

 * Korean Military Christian report MG M. Yatabe

Newsletter No.61 ()

 * JSDF and Custom

 * RMH Report by JMSDF LT Hirosato Hagiwara (Research NDA)

 * AMCF World Prayer Day

 * Fellowship with Rev. Shimokuwaya

 * Report about retreat and meetings

Newsletter No.62 (June, 1991)

 * Pelican Gulf War

 * 1990 AMCF International Convention

 * Singapore Memorial War Seminary by Mrs. Kazuko Yatabe (MG Yatabe wife)

Newsletter No.63 (June, 1991)

 * Make a Peace

 * Position based on Japanese Constitution by Church

          written by MG M. Yatabe

 * "Grace by Jesus Christ" written by Mr. Hidenobu Enrin (NDA Student)   

Newsletter No.64 (October, 1991)

 * World Peace

 * Cornelius Mission by Ryuichiro Enomoto Navy Admiral, Engineer

 * Cornelius Retreat

Newsletter No.65 (February, 1992)

 Righteousness and Love

 * Letter from AMCF/HQ ★AMCF staff (October 31, 1990)

       USAF LTC Dell McDonald (ACCTS Chief)

 * 1991 AMCF Asia Conference

 * Our President report by MG Minoru Yatabe

 * Letters from our members

Newsletter No.66 (June, 1992)

 * New Peace

 * ex JSDF Personal report

 Mr. Tsunekaku Katayanagi (Lieutenant retired) June 1, 1992

 * Cornelius Retreat

 * Short letters from our members

Newsletter No.67 (October, 1992)

 Right way for Japan

 Presidential Inauguration Speak

    New President Cornelius Group Minoru Yatabe (Major General)

 * Official Funeral Service for JASDF Major General Kazuo Katsumata

 * My personal testimony (June 20, 1992) by CPT Nagahama (NA Armored Unit)

Newsletter No.68 (February, 1993)

 * Isn't difficult for Japanese evangelization

 * My Testimony at Taiwan Convention by SFC H. Nakano (Eastern Army Aviation Group)

 * Short messages by our members

 * Talk about AMCF Asia International Conference in Japan

by President of Cornelius Group MG M. Yatabe

Newsletter No.79 (October, 1996)

* Back to the starting point (1) MG Minoru Yatabe

 * Righteousness God, God's Love Pastor of Ohwadashinden church MG S. Cho

 * 1996 AMCF Asia Pacific Conference

 * Report from Brothers in Mongolia

Newsletter No.80 (December, 1996)

 * AMCF Asia Pacific conference special
  reported by Hiroshi Takihara
  reported by Takashi Nagahama

  AMCF Asia Pacific report by LTC Gantaro Takiguchi

Newsletter No.81 (February, 1997)

 *Bless by repentant (Pastor Keno Miyazaki NDA #8 graduated)
 *Jordan and Israel Tour report by Major Kunio Hibaru

Newsletter No.82

* My God faith God in my mind Dr. Kenji Imai

 * 1997 Retreat report

 * Internet report Ms. Reina Maehata

Newsletter No.83

 * Back to the starting point (2)  Mr. Minoru Yatabe (President)
 * RMH(Rocky Mountain High) report NDA Student Mr. Tsuneyuki Kimura
 * Outline  What is RMH?  Captain Takashi Nagahama
 * RMH Report       NDA Student Mr. Masaaki Kakuta
 * Israel Tour report (2/2)   Major Kunio Hibaru
 * Internet mails (2)

Newsletter No.84

 * Almighty God for Japanese none-Christian Honorary president Dr. Kenji Imai 

  * Our president speech at AMCF Southeast Asia in Singapore in Dec. 1997 MG Minoru Yatabe

 *Burned the Chapel report from Mongolia

 * Short massage   Christ Church, Japan Alliance Convention Pastor Masashi Hirai

Newsletter No.85

 * Answered by God  President, Cornelius GP Gantaro Takiguchi

 * Our president speech at AMCF Southeast Asia in Singapore in Dec. 1997 MG Minoru Yatabe

 * "Go out and preach the Gospel"preached by US Air Force Chaplain Crawford (Yokota AB)

 * Remarks(Retired President) ex-President Minoru Yatabe

Newsletter No.86

 * Serving the Word of God       Pastor Kenji Miyazaki (#8 NDA Graduated)

 * letters from USA  Missionary Mr. Shingo Katayama

 * Simple questions Which do you take as an Christian? President Gantaro Takiguchi
 * Guidance for the 40th Cornelius Group Anniversary

Newsletter No.87

 * Almighty God (part 1)  Dr. Kenji Imai (ex-President Cornelius GP.)

 * 21st century for Christ Church George Ishikawa (Prof., Engineering Department NDA)

 * electric mails from our members  MSG Nakano
 * Pray request 

Newsletter No.100

Newsletter No.101 (May, 2003)

Newsletter No.102 (August, 2003)

Newsletter No.103

Newsletter No.104